Please select all socio-economic categories that apply to your GSA contract.
Select all that apply to your GSA Contract only (not based on the NAICS provided for this requirement or your current status in real time) OR if your company does not fall under one of the categories, select N/A.
If your company holds multiple GSA contracts and their socio-economic categories differ, respond based on the contract you deem is the best fit for this requirement.
Socio-economic Indicators Key:
w - Woman Owned business
wo - Women Owned Small business
ew - Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small business
v - Veteran Owned Small business
dv - Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small business
d - SBA Certified Small Disadvantaged business
8a - SBA Certified 8(a) Firm
8aS - 8(a) Sole Source Pool
h - SBA Certified HUBZone Firm
to - Tribally Owned Firm
ai - American Indian Owned
an - Alaskan Native Corporation Owned Firm
hn - Native Hawaiian Organization Owned Firm
Socio-economic indicators signify the business size and business status of the contractor. To look up the indicator by contract, refer to GSA eLibrary.