U.S. General Services Administration

You can download a copy of this RFI in advance of responding here: USAF - JCC2 Field Applications, Training and Engineering Support- Market

NOTE: this is a downloadable copy of the RFI when it was posted. As close dates and/or Technical Questions could possibly change and may not be reflected, be sure to always refer to the close date and information posted only, and not this document. Do not download and submit the attachment by email. Only responses submitted online by completing the RFI Survey are accepted.

All responses are due by 5:00pm (ET) on the day of closing.
USAF - JCC2 Field Applications, Training and Engineering Support- Market Research

On behalf of the Air Force, GSA is conducting market research to understand capabilities related to providing the below requirement:

The objective of this JCC2 program is to provide the DoD, through Air Force Life Cycle Management HNC, technical and expert level support to the Joint Staff, Combatant Commands and the Services. This effort will provide the Joint Force with JCC2 Training and Field Application Engineering support.

Responses Due: 08/23/2024
Market Research Notices

For Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Only: Based on the responses submitted to this RFI, the Government reserves the right to issue all future requests for quotes directly to identified sources via email, in accordance with FAR 8.405-3(b)(1)(ii)(B)(2) and/or FAR 8.405-2(c)(3)(iii)(B).

Business Size:

Please select all socio-economic categories that apply to your GSA contract. 
Select all that apply to your GSA Contract only (not based on the NAICS provided for this requirement or your current status in real time) OR if your company does not fall under one of the categories, select N/A.

If your company holds multiple GSA contracts and their socio-economic categories differ, respond based on the contract you deem is the best fit for this requirement.

Socio-economic Indicators Key: 
w - Woman Owned business
wo - Women Owned Small business
ew - Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small business
v - Veteran Owned Small business
dv - Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small business
d - SBA Certified Small Disadvantaged business
8a - SBA Certified 8(a) Firm

8aS - 8(a) Sole Source Pool
h - SBA Certified HUBZone Firm

to - Tribally Owned Firm

ai - American Indian Owned

an - Alaskan Native Corporation Owned Firm

hn - Native Hawaiian Organization Owned Firm

Socio-economic indicators signify the business size and business status of the contractor. To look up the indicator by contract, refer to GSA eLibrary.

Technical Question(s) - Yes/No
You can further explain your response in the Optional Feedback or Capabilities Statement below.

Technical Question - Multiple Choice 

In your estimation how much of this potential requirement would your company need to subcontract to other companies?


Technical Question - Multiple Choice

How much lead time would your company need from notification of award to start of contract performance - or delivery, if product(s) only?


Based on the provided information, would your company submit a quote/proposal if this requirement was issued under your GSA Contract?

*If you select "No", be sure to submit any questions or provide any comments to assist the requesting agency in the "Optional Feedback" section below.

Do you provide this service and/or product commercially? (optional)
In accordance with FAR Part 12: Subpart 12.1 - Acquisition of Commercial Products and Commercial Services, this question is to support DoD with commercial items and commercial determination.

Please identify all GSA contracts that your company holds and are applicable to this requirement. (Select all that apply)
Based only on the GSA contracts your company holds, which SIN(s), Pool(s), or Constellation(s) would you recommend are applicable for this requirement? (Select all that apply)
Please select the NAICS code(s) you determine are appropriate for this requirement. (Select all that apply)

Capabilities Statement:


Please note: Only one (1) file can be uploaded. Be sure you stack/combine all your documents into a single file prior to uploading.


Capabilities Statement should include relevant experience. Relevant experience includes projects that are similar to the described requirements and that have occurred in the past 5 years. Please do not provide general capabilities statements.


Provide at least 1 relevant project and include the following information:


1. Customer Name

2. Customer/Client POC Email

3. Total Contract Value

4. Period of Performance

5. Brief Description of Services Provided

6. Indicate if there is a CPARS (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System) Available



While optional, a capability statement relevant to this requirement is highly recommended. 

A confirmation email will be sent to the Company POC along with a copy of your completed responses.

By submitting your response, you grant the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) the authority to share your information with other Government entities including Federal, State and Local Governments as well as the right to publish your market research response (including your company name and POC contact information) on Government-facing websites.